Friday, July 15, 2005


As you all know, I do tend to follow the Salt Cay Futures and Commodities Exchange as best I can. Sometimes Salt Cay involves Grand Turk and Provo futures indexes as well. It just depends upon the commodity and the time of year. We usually have lots of salt and little else.

Anyway. We had dinner at Miss Pat’s the other night. Marilyn and her pals, Deb and I. Miss Pat served beets in honor of Marilyn. Frankly I think it is because beet futures are now depressed and Grand Turk has more canned beets than they anticipated.

Let’s face it, I follow beets now. The 99 Cent Store is packed with beets as is the Dollar Tree at 2 for $1. This tells me that Mike and Mo aren’t eatin’ enough beets. And when they start showing up at restaurant tables, well, clearly beets are depressed.

Of course I always report on the futures, as perceived by the Salt Cay Futures and Commodities Exchange on other areas of interest and we have the following observations:

Ants are not depressed. In fact ants are at an all time high here. However, their futures are in limbo if you are on island and have the proper treatment.

Boric Acid futures are strong given the ants. Though they seem to be developing a taste for Boric Acid with any form of sugar.

Diazanon is strong if you have it given the ant situation.

Sand Flea futures are weak, fortunately, as are topical ointments. This reporter’s research project on sand flea bite relief is now delayed by at least 6 months. My ankle futures are high and happy though.

Palmetto futures are mixed at the moment as I haven’t bug bombed the house.

Mosquito futures, despite all the rain, are weak. Haven’t seen or heard one yet but that could change in a moment.

Beef (not beet) futures are stable as there must be at least 6 or 7 brand new calves.

Water futures are stable at the moment if you have a strong cistern and some DR tanks. Water futures were strong a week ago when the rain stopped. Demand was looking good. Now, if you’re not on the "water meter" map plan, your future for government water is crap. Pray for rain.

Wind futures are strong given the hurricane season to date.

Roof futures are hopefully stable.

Property futures are stronger than ever. If you have no plans to sell they remain stable with a strong future.

And as for beets....sell, sell, sell and buy them at the Dollar Tree if you like them.

WARNING: Salt Cay Futures are not traded publicly and fluctuate depending upon prevailing trade winds, time of day, who is on island and what the boat brought.

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