Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Miscellaneous News

Dateline: Salt Cay, November 30, 2004

In this edition, let me give you a head’s up on shipping to Grand Turk. PREPAY and get your Bill of Lading.

Joel prepaid for our truck and 2 ladders. The ladders were bound together, but not on the truck. He paid for everything there. But, G&G for some reason, split the ladders from the truck and shipped them separately. Building Materials then wanted $500 for whatever came in by itself.

If we were paying here, we would have to pay the $500 "bail" and hope for the refund that never happens. But Elma, in Florida, said she’ll call Edwin and take care of it. Plus a fax goes to John Robinson to take care of it on his end.

So that is your local shipping lesson. PREPAY your frieght.

As for Salt Cay: It is 76 degrees, breezy and the threat of rain is passing. Our cistern was to the bung hole when we arrived and we’ve had a little rain since to keep it that way. So figure your cistern’s are full and more when you you get here.

Water temperature is a little cool. Feels good when you’re hot. I’d say low 80's right now on the surface.

The paymaster’s office–the subject of a photo down below–is torn down and all cleaned up. The bad news is the building didn’t make it all the way to the dump and is now piled across the street from our house, next to the Cemetery off ramp. And of course some one now thinks that must be the new garbage dump. Lovely sight.

The government is now using cement to fill holes on Victoria St.

The Governor’s House is coming along at its usual speed of nothing happening.

The Barns next to Sunset Reef are now white in color.

The No See ‘Ums are out in full force. You can only see them when they open their mouths it seems and then it is too late. And they seem to like Skin So Soft now. If you’re coming any time soon, be sure to find some high strength anti-itch stuff.

Porter’s new drink is a Mojito–not sure what’s in it, besides mint and rum, and it is good.

Until I have something other than a bicycle to drive around, information will be limited. Our golf cart is lying on its side in the yard as Joel attempts to free up the wheels in back. It’s a lovely site to behold.

We do get to go to Grand Turk this week. I can hardly wait.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Looking Out Mo's Window

Just a short post to announce the laptop is up and running on Marilyn's dining room table. I am facing out their double window looking at the blue water's of Salt Cay. Tomorrow I'll try to post of picture of what it looks like so you can get ready to come down or jumpstart those plans.

George and Lisa arrived on the same flight as we did to Salt Cay. Amy and David are here as well. Not many guests to speak of so it's pretty quiet.

Porter is Porter. We got out of there the other night with only on Mojito under our belts after dinner at Deb's Cafe. We were on bikes so we didn't want to do too much damage to ourselves and then ride home.

I am working on flotilla email, that is one touchy thing to work with and I haven't figured it out yet from here.

I'll put on my reporter's hat and take some pictures and update the blog soon.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

South District Personalities

Ma Lucy, Sammy "Aka Pa Lucy" on their front porch. The audio feed would be "Don't Fence Me In" if I had one. Posted by Hello

Mr Fixit Skydives Too

Joel McNair does something other than fix refrigerators in his non-island life. Posted by Hello

Historical Site Victim of Frances

Paymaster's Office Only Victim of Frances on Salt Cay! Termites alone couldn't take down this historic structure next to the White House--it took Hurricane Frances. This building was the only real thing to fall down despite 100+ mph winds. Posted by Hello

Nasal Strip Survives Hurricane Frances

Nasal Strip Survives Frances! This nasal strip, stuck on the Hawkin's beachside downspout, managed to survive 100+ mph winds. If they only stuck to your nose this well. Posted by Hello

Coralene's Bench

Coralene's Bench: Complete with temporary plaque, the bench is ready to go to its permanent site. Posted by Hello

Paymaster's Office destroyed by Frances: Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Southern Shore of Salt Cay

Though know for its sandy beaches, Salt Cay has beautiful rocky shores as well. This is part of the southern coastline of Salt Cay looking north, on the western side of the island. Yes, for those who haven't been here, it really is this blue. Posted by Hello

Before The Flight

Welcome to The Salt Cay News

Since we have Radio Free Salt Cay, I thought it was time for a written source for friends, family and fans of Salt Cay.

We leave this Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, for Salt Cay and will return in January, fit, tanned and ready for rehab at Betty Ford.

Marley goes for his flight physical today as he prepares for his third trip.

I will try to post often, giving you updates and insights to life on island. And photos too, uploading permitted.